HMH to open a Cough Clinic
Beginning Saturday, March 21, 2020, Harrison Memorial Hospital and local healthcare professionals will be offering a Cough Clinic to assist those with cough, fever and/or sore throat who may be concerned with the Novel Coronavirus COVID-19.
With no appointment needed, you can arrive at an isolated area which is on lockdown from the rest of the hospital. Once you arrive, you will stop at the entrance, sanitize your hands and apply a mask. After registration, HMH healthcare professionals in personal protective equipment will perform an extensive evaluation and determine if further testing is needed, which may include testing for the COVID-19. Due to limited tests, the provider will assess whether a COVID-19 test will need to be completed by a private lab. Not all patients evaluated will receive the COVID-19 testing.
During this time, this will keep our coughing patients away from our physician offices in the clinics, giving our other patients peace of mind to continue seeking necessary medical care.
The Clinic will begin on Saturday, March 21 from 1:00 pm – 8:00 p.m. and continue daily as needed. To find the clinic, please drive to the back of Harrison Memorial Hospital, past the Emergency Department, and follow the parking lot signs to an entrance with a ramp just above the Emergency Department.
You will register as a patient of the clinic and your insurance will be billed accordingly. You will need to have your identification card, insurance card and medication list upon arrival.
No visitor is allowed in our Cough Clinic. If the patient has someone accompanying him or her, that person will be requested to stay in his or her vehicle. The only exception will be for pediatric patients who will be allowed one healthy adult to accompany them.
HMH remains proactive in response to the COVID-19 pandemic by providing the best care for patients, the community and our employees.
If you have any questions related to COVID-19, please call 800-722-5725 or visit or