HMH Urgent Treatment Center
HMH Urgent Treatment Center
Urgent Treatment Center is located adjacent to the HMH Emergency Department.
Hours of Operation:
Every day of the week, including Saturdays and Sundays
8:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Hours will vary on major holidays.
Phone Number: (859) 235-3743
Illness & injury treatment that can be provided in our UTC includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Sore throat
Sinus infection
Pink eye
Skin rashes/irritations
Cuts, minor scrapes and bruises
Sprains, strains
Back pain
Urinary tract infections
Flu shots, immunizations
Physicals (sports, school, CDL, etc.)
If you have a non-emergent condition, our UTC provider will conduct a medical screening exam just as you would receive in the emergency room. Should you prefer to be seen in our Emergency Room rather than our UTC, please let us know.
Patients must be older than six months of age to be seen in the UTC.
Harrison Memorial Hospital reserves the right to reject a patient’s request to be treated in the UTC, based on the severity of illness or injury. The more seriously ill or injured will be treated in our Emergency Room. No patient will ever be denied emergent services.