Alberto Laureano, M.D.

Otolaryngology (Ears, Nose and Throat)
HMH ENT Clinic
1210 KY Highway 36 East
Suite 1A
Cynthiana KY 41031
American Board of Otolaryngology
Consulting Staff, August 2021
Residency: Otolaryngology — Southern Illinois University, Springfield, IL, 1993
Medical School: M.D. — The Pennsylvania State College of Medicine, Hershey, PA, 1987
Undergraduate: Bachelor of Science -- The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, 1983
Larynx/Pharynx/Adenoids/Tonsils/Neck, Diagnosis/Surgical
Lesion Removal-Head & Neck
Mastoidectomy/Tympanoplasty/Stapedectomy, Myringotomy with tubes
Nasal/Facial Fracture Treatment
Nasal/Sinus Endoscopy, Diagnostic/Surgical
Salivary Glands/Ducts Diagnostic/Surgical
Surgical Diseases of the Thyroid/Parathyroid
Allergy Testing and Treatment
Tongue, Mouth Diagnosis/Surgical
Treatment of Head & Neck Cancers
Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea – Surgical/Laser UPPP
Voice Disorders/Hoarseness