HMH hosts Pendleton County Health Fair on March 9
The Pendleton County Community Health Fair will be held on Thursday, March 9, 2024, from 7:30 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. at Phillip Sharp Middle School. The event offers free tests and screenings to area residents and is open to everyone. It is not exclusive to Pendleton County residents. All lab results will be posted to the HMHmyhealth! patient portal., or you may contact HMH Health Information Department to request a printed version.
The fair will offer a free lipid profile, which checks cholesterol and triglycerides, and a blood sugar test. If you are having blood tests for cholesterol, triglycerides and blood sugar, please remember to fast after midnight; however, take your medications with a small amount of water. In addition, HMH will offer thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSA) blood test.
Other screenings and tests include bone density, blood pressure, body-fat analysis, oxygen level, skin cardiac risk, lung cancer screening questionnaire, stroke risk, diabetes risk and colorectal cancer. The Butler Lions Club will provide vision screenings. The Bluegrass Lions Diabetes Project will provide the diabetes risk screening including an A1C.
Several exhibitors will be available with education and information. The event will include an inflatable colon for education.
The event is sponsored by HMH, the Pendleton County Extension Office, Pendleton County School System, UK Markey Cancer Center Affiliate Network, UK Gill Heart and Vascular Institute Affiliate Network and Three Rivers Health Department.